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HOA’s – Homowner Associations

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Most HOA’s are responsible for the provision of public safety on the community’s streets, public walking areas, and sidewalks. Uneven concrete, while one of the biggest causes of trip and fall claims, can also be an indicator of bigger issues relating to drainage and the structural stability of the slabs or nearby structures.

Community management professionals and boards should keep a vigilant eye on these issues.  A small repair today could lead to a large repair tomorrow.

The community’s infrastructure(common areas including sidewalks, pool decks, patios, sport courts, and driveways) should be routinely reviewed for maintenance needs. The time period for scheduling these walkthroughs is dependent upon the current level of maintenance as well as the initial standard of construction.  Generally, a review every 6 to 12 months should be sufficient with emergencies and obvious failures being the exception.

With scheduled reviews risks are minimized and problems are often curtailed before they mushroom into larger issues. It is a given that slabs crack, potholes grow, erosion continues, and pipes clog.  The HOA board should include this topic on their agenda at least once a year if not semiannually.

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